© 2003-Present, John C. Bean |
Non-column IV elements can also form diamond like crystals by pairing atoms that, together, have eight valence electrons. Each pair can then form two linked tetrahedra. These pairings can then be assembled into a crystal very similar to diamond, called the "zincblende" crystal structure.
One such pairing is formed by selecting atoms from columns III and V of the periodic table. These "III-V Compound Semiconductors" include GaAs which is used for particualrly high-speed microelectronic devices (including satellite and fiber-optic telecommunication systems).
Another possible paring is formed by selecting atoms from columns II and VI of the periodic table. These "II-VI Compound Semiconductors" include CdTe which is being explored as a lower cost alternative to silicon-based photovoltaic devices (i.e., our most common type of solar cell).
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